A Passionist Heart Foundation
Message from the Provincial
Dear friends
Our Passionist charism reminds us that Jesus’ passion on the cross means remembering those in the world who bear the cross today: the disabled, the sick, the dying, the grieving, those isolated and alone – all who share the burden of pain. Jesus identified himself with the ‘least’. He shared their burdens and brought them hope. He, too, bore the cross.
We are called to be ‘living memorials’ of the Passion of Jesus.
Since our arrival in Australia in 1887 the Passionists have shared this charism through our close relationships in parishes, our ministries within the community, our Passionist Companions and Family Groups.
With our volunteers and employed staff, our religious sisters, brothers and priests we work to bring educational and medical assistance, community building, family support, services to youth, advocacy, justice and the promotion of human rights.
A Passionist Heart Foundation supports the mission of our Congregation in all of the above areas, here in the Asia Pacific region, especially in Papua New Guinea and Vietnam, as well as supporting vital Passionist projects in other developing countries.
I invite you to share in the spirit and life of our Passionist family and to hear the stories of those you assist.
With your help, we can make a difference together.
Fr Tom McDonough CP