Make a Gift in Your Will

Gifts in your Will

Your Will is an important legal document. It recognises loved-ones and reflects the values and causes closest to your heart; family, church, community and charity.

A gift made through your Will is also known as a ‘bequest’. A bequest is often given from the proceeds of a lifetime of work and treated with great respect by the Foundation.

Making a gift of any size through your Will can support the mission of the Foundation for future generations.

How to include a gift in Your Will

Step 1. Reflect on what is important to you

Consider the special moments and people in your life and how you would like to share your assets and gifts.

Step 2. Contact a professional adviser

When updating or creating your Will it is important that you seek professional independent advice from entities such as a solicitor, a trustee company or the Public Trustee. They can ensure your Will meets all legal requirements, giving you peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out as you intend.

Should you decide to include a gift to secure the future of the works of the Foundation in your Will, the document needs to include the correct will wording or clause for your gift to be clearly directed to the Foundation.

Examples of suitable wording of a bequest:

Unrestricted bequest

I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $____________) to A Passionist Heart Foundation ABN 37 611 368 060 for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of the Foundation for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.

Specific Purpose Bequest

I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $____________) to A Passionist Heart Foundation ABN 37 611 368 060 and I express the wish without creating a binding trust that the funds be used and applied for the purposes of _______________________________ or if the purpose no longer exists, then for a similar purpose at the discretion of the Provincial and I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of the Foundation for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.

Step 3. Let us know about your gift

So we can humbly say thank you and respectfully recognise those who have included a gift in their will to support the Foundation in the future.

“An authentic faith always involves a deep desire to leave this earth a better place than we found it.”

For more information please contact:

Phone: (02) 8577 5600
Address: PO Box 12, Marrickville, Sydney, 1475
